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  • joshtfilm

Why you need to do more long form content.

Updated: Jun 24, 2023

Recently I've been having more discussions with my clients who've been saying that they either a) Have hit the wall views wise on social media or b) Are just sick of making stuff that looks like everyone else's particularly people in their fields. So I have been ( in no subtle terms) encouraging them to make more long form content. And it's not just because more production means bigger projects for me, it's for myriad reasons I outline in this video including the long term benefits of building an online community through video and the fact that it can do wonders for your legitimacy as a business. It's a hard concept for some because we've been so inundated with social media and believe that high follower counts and reel views amounts to success . These numbers are often inflated ( bots not withstanding ) and in most cases these to not lead to conversions to actual business for you.

Now yes I have a bias because my style is to be a longer form storyteller, but as you will see in this video there are legitimate reasons for taking a long term content approach. So if you find that you have hit the social media wall and want to try to break into Youtube or other long form content I encourage you to reach out to me here.

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